Flocking Together to Address Poultry Welfare Challenges Proceedings
(October 12, 2022)
Click the button below to view the recordings of the speaker presentations from our 8th Annual Symposium. Scroll to see the sponsors for this event and speaker bios.

Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Bronze Sponsors

Speaker Information

Amelia Woods
Poultry Welfare Manager, PAACO
Amelia currently serves as the Poultry Welfare Manager with the Professional Animal Auditor Certification Organization (PAACO). PAACO is recognized as the global certification organization for animal welfare auditors and audits. PAACO represents all major food animal proteins with certification programs for; Poultry Welfare (broiler, turkey, and layer), Beef Feedlot Welfare, On-farm Swine Welfare, Dairy Welfare and Meat Plant Welfare.

Brian Wooming
Veterinarian, Cargill Protein

Dallas Wynn
Senior Manager Animal Welfare, Tyson Foods

Elizabeth Bobeck
Associate Professor, Iowa State University

Leonie Jacobs
Assistant Professor, Virginia Tech

Prafulla Regmi
Assistant Professor, University of Georgia

Whitny Haley
Director of Animal Welfare, Simmons Foods Inc.